Get Involved - Volunteer!

Volunteering your time and talent is what makes the Parkside Montessori community stronger. Each family has a minimum volunteer commitment of 30 hours per year, which is part of the signed Memorandum of Understanding to be part of this school. There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved! Your help is needed!


Learn more about on-campus volunteer opportunities, as well as the 2-Steps to Volunteering on the school website.


Complete the Volunteer Interest form and team/committee sign-up schedules at the links below to help us know what your interests and skills are, and to get you in touch with others who share these interests.



Sign up for Green Team Projects 


Sign up for Monthly Swag Store Pop-ups 


If you have a skill or interest that you are willing to share with our community that is not listed on this form, please email our Historian to let us know (i.e. grant writing, chef, lawyer, sewing, drama, construction, etc.).  

Thank you in advance for the donation of your time and talent to support Parkside!