PTA Reimbursements - Teachers & Staff


This process is for teachers and staff reimbursement.

For parents, board members, and general community reimbursement: CLICK HERE



The annual PTA budget defines a significant amount of allocated funds for classroom use and teacher reimbursement for classroom needs. We do not expect teachers to pay out-of-pocket for materials needed or desired in their classrooms. 

Before you spend money:

  1. Check your grade cohort closet to vet that we don't already have the desired items.
  2. Ask other team members from your cohort if they also need or want these items, so we can purchase the right number, should other classrooms also want the items.
  3. Vet your intended purchase with the Montessori Coach to ensure purchases are Montessori-appropriate and are aligned with the PTA’s budget.
  • The PTA can make a check payment directly for an item if there is an invoice or bill. Contact the Treasurer ahead of time to arrange having a check payment made directly from the PTA, so a reimbursement will not be needed. 
  • All PTA reimbursable expenses must be made as separate purchases (on separate receipts) from personal or other purchases. If this is not possible, please contact the Treasurer before making the purchase.

  • Be sure that any online purchase is made in the name of the person who is making the payment and who will be requesting the reimbursement.


  1. Submit an electronic copy of the original receipt(s) or copy of the paid itemized receipt/invoice for online purchases, along with a completed staff reimbursement form (or find printed copies in the PTA mailbox in the school office). 
  2. Submit the receipt(s)/online itemized invoice(s) and reimbursement form as follows: 
    • Email the scanned completed form and receipt(s) to the Treasurer. If you are unable to submit electronically, please leave hard copies of the reimbursement form and receipts in the PTA mailbox in the office.
  3. Check reimbursements will be hand delivered or mailed within 1-2 weeks. If you need a reimbursement sooner, email the Treasurer to make this request.

NOTE: Gift cards and gifts are not allowed to be paid for, nor reimbursed by the PTA. 


Email the Treasurer with any questions on any part of this process. Thank you!